How DKL assisted an executive through contract negotiations

Sonia Chandra

The following should not be considered legal advice and is for general use only.

Earlier this year, we assisted a long-term senior executive who was employed with an automobile manufacturer.


Our client received another offer of employment in the same industry and sought our advice and assistance to manage their exit from their current employment without being in breach of any ongoing obligations and to review and advise on the new offer of employment.

Our client’s existing employment contract had restraints and our client was concerned that if they accepted the new offer of employment, they would be seen to be in breach. We reviewed the contract and advised our client of the existing obligations, which importantly, did not define a competing business.

DKL’s advice and support

Whilst our client was accepting another offer in the same industry, being the automobile industry, the new employer was not in direct competition with the current employer as they were not in manufacturing and our client accepting the offer of employment with the other employer, would therefore not be in breach of the obligations contained in the contract.

We also reviewed the new offer of employment received by our client, where our client had flagged various concerns about the wording and meaning of various terms.

Our objective was to firstly educate our client – explain the various terms and conditions in their existing employment contract and the new offer of employment contract. Once our client was comfortable and understood it, we then moved to ensuring their concerns were managed – which was how the client should approach the various discussions with their existing employer and their new employer, including improving the offer from the new employer. Our client’s main objective was to not burn any bridges by ensuring they weren’t in breach of their existing obligations.

We provided our client with practical tips and guidance on managing their exit from their current employer, whilst at the same time, ensuring the offer from the new employer was not at risk, and that  the timing of their departure from the old employer to the new employer was seamless.


We were able to achieve all our client’s objectives. Firstly, our client’s departure from their existing employer was amicable and professional. Our client also. received an updated offer of employment from their new employer that addressed their concerns and included improved terms and conditions. Our client was very pleased with the outcome and greatly appreciated our help.

The above should not be considered legal advice and is for general use only.